With this initiative, the hotel chain takes a step further in its respect for the environment policy, guaranteeing complete transparency in the sustainable management of its hotels.
The Amàre Ibiza hotel, located on the seafront in Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, was the first Fuerte Group Hotels establishment, and one of the first in Ibiza, to register its carbon footprint in the Balearic Register created for this purpose.
As of the 3rd of November 2023, Fuerte Group Hotels is one of the most pioneering hotel chains in terms of sustainability, with its Fuerte Conil-Resort hotel being the first in Spain to obtain the ISO 14001 sustainability certification.
Now, more than 20 years later, the Andalusian group has once again shown its strong commitment to look after the environment with Amàre Beach Hotel Ibiza, the only hotel it owns outside of Andalusia, and which has been the company’s first as well as one of the first in Ibiza to officially register its carbon footprint in the Balearic Register created for this purpose.

Even though Fuerte Group Hotels has been publishing the carbon footprint of its establishments for many years in its Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, this is the first time that it has submitted its results to a strict audit. This is carried out by AENOR within the UNE-EN-ISO 14064-3:2019 standard as a requirement for compliance with Decree 48/2021 of December 13th, regulator of the Balearic Carbon Footprint Register, enforced by the Balearic government to comply with the obligation to verify and register carbon footprints.
As part of this evaluation, the main direct and indirect sources of gas emissions into the atmosphere are analysed, and the result is registered in the Balearic Carbon Footprint Register. At the same time, this indicator makes it possible to get the hotel’s Circularity Plan in line and set out a series of actions that make it possible to progressively reduce these emissions.
In the most recent analysed data, which corresponds to the 2021 period, the carbon footprint of Amàre Beach Hotel Ibiza was 836.42 tons of equivalent CO2 in that year, are part of scopes 1 and 2.
To further reduce the impact, the symbolic hotel intends to maintain the actions it carries out each year to minimise the impact of its activity on the environment, among which are initiatives such as replacing lights with LEDs, introducing charging points for electric cars, or replacing industrial machinery with more efficient ones, among other proposals.
Global benchmark for sustainability
In 2016, Fuerte Group Hotels signed its accession to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for tourism, and joined the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Pact, with the aim of aligning its practices with the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDG).
Since then, the chain’s management team have participated in numerous presentations to make their initiatives known to the entire world. The last one took place last September, in which Héctor Abuín Bermúdez, Corporate Multi-brand Operations Director of Fuerte Group Hotels, participated in a panel on “Sustainable Brands” held within the framework of the “Fourth Meeting of the expert group on measuring the sustainability of tourism”, organised in Marbella by the UNWTO.