Fuerte Group Hotels presents its Clean Seas Project

The Andalusian chain, considered to be one of the most sustainable hotel companies in Spain, has created a campaign that includes several actions relating to respecting the environment and protecting sea beds

22 January 2020. Coinciding with the start of the International Tourism Fair in Madrid, FITUR, Fuerte Group Hotels, one of the most sustainable hotel chains in Spain, has revealed the first actions of the “Clean Seas” project, an initiative which the group wants to use to strengthen the company’s sustainable development policies and continue working towards fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals.


Support for the Aula del Mar de Málaga project

Aula del Mar de Málaga - Clean Seas Project

All the establishments owned by Fuerte Group Hotels, apart from Fuerte Grazalema, are located next to the sea. As a result, the chain is acutely aware of the need to protect the seas and oceans and is familiar with other projects that share this as their main objective.  That is why one of the first initiatives chosen to kickstart the “Clean Seas” campaign was to collaborate with Aula del Mar de Málaga, a scientific research organisation which has become a benchmark in the area for its commitment to educating and participating in conserving natural resources and improving natural ecosystems. On this occasion, a 1,500-euro donation will be made to support a conservation project that the NGO is carrying out on the Andalusian coastline to protect one of our endangered species: the seahorse. The money will be used for an outreach plan about these delicate creatures so as to make the academic community and society in general aware of their current plight, and the dangers and threats that they face every day.


Collaboration agreement with IbizaPreservation

Ibiza Preservation Foundation - Clean Seas Project

In line with the above proposal, and with the same aim of developing the most respectful tourism towards the environment possible, Fuerte Group Hotels has chosen Ibiza, where it opened its first hotel in the Balearic Islands in 2019, to carry out other exciting sustainability initiatives. These will be implemented by IbizaPreservation, an organisation promoting the conservation of the natural value and beauty of these islands, as well as their sustainability. The hotel chain has signed a collaboration agreement with this organisation through which a further investment shall be made of 1,500 euros. The money will go towards financing the planning and execution of the preparations for the Marine Forum of Ibiza and Formentera 2020, an event offering a space for debate. The first edition took place last September and its mission is to become an annual event. This platform will bring together the best national and international experts on ecology, sustainability and marine funds in one place, where they can exchange ideas and present innovative projects for conserving the Mediterranean and, in particular, the ecosystem in Ibiza and Formentera.


Plastic Free Goal

Objetivo plastic free - Clean Seas Project

The third proposal of the Clean Seas campaign is to manage a short to medium term plan aiming to eliminate the use of plastic in all the Fuerte Group Hotels. To achieve this, the company has already begun to replace many of the plastic products used on a daily basis in its hotels with others made from more eco-friendly and recyclable materials that are biodegradable and more compostable.

For example, dispensers and bottles of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and moisturising cream (or body milk) are now being manufactured from oxo-biodegradable plastics (a fossil-based polymer oxidised through the addition of a catalyst); 30 ml and 40 ml bottles substituted with 340 ml oxy-biodegradable bottles; the single-use glasses (plastic) which have been used up until now are now made from paper or PLA (polylactic acid); traditional straws have been replaced by bio straws; sanitary and laundry bags are made from potato starch; fabric slippers are no longer provided in plastic bags but instead in a cardboard box and several other complementary items such as dental, shaving, ladies’ or shoe-shining items and sponges, are now supplied wrapped in tissue paper instead of plastic. Furthermore, looking ahead to the 2020 season, new measures shall be introduced such as using bin bags made from potato starch in hotel rooms; replacing plastic pens with cardboard ones and using fabric to create the wristbands that identify VIP and All-Inclusive guests, to name but a few. 

Through each of these measures, and others which are sure to be implemented throughout this project, Fuerte Group Hotels wants to contribute to recovering the seas and oceans next to almost all of its hotels and conserving the flora and fauna that inhabit the privileged natural surroundings in which many of them are found. For the Andalusian chain, which was the first Spanish hotel chain to achieve ISO 14001 environmental certification for one of its hotels (Fuerte Conil Resort), the reason why tourism has been successful in remaining one of the main industries in Spain is that sustainability distinguishes it from other destinations run by the competition.