Fuerte Hoteles Earns The Highest ‘GreenLeaders’ Category Index of TripAdvisor

Fuerte Hoteles gained further recognition for its Corporate Responsibility program with two of its establishments earning the highest rankings possible in the newly released TripAdvisor GreenLeaders Index program, which the online portal launched in Spain on 29 July of this year.

After a rigorous evaluation, Fuerte Conil – Costa Luz and Fuerte El Rompido achieved Platinum status, making the Marbella chain a pioneer in Andalucia for their outstanding work towards environmental practices and a commitment to responsible tourism.

Sustainable Travel

Fuerte Hoteles Site Ambiental
Fuerte Hoteles Site Ambiental

TripAdvisor ensures that the GreenLeaders program helps travelers plan more sustainable travel, highlighting those hotels that perform activities that respect the environment. Further, according to their data more than 25 % of European tourists opted for eco-sustainable travel in the last year and one in ten chose their hotel based on its sustainable policies.

This way travelers can now use a filter on the TripAdvisor website to see only those hotels that participate in the Ecolíderes program and find a list of their sustainable measures. In the case of Fuerte Hoteles, the travel portal has highlighted the political control, energy and water saving measures, its waste management program and its work in environmental awareness to guests through the Fuerte Experiences program.

In addition to recieving this Platinum label, Fuerte has also launched a Fuerte Hoteles environmental microsite, where the hotel group presents its Responsible Tourism efforts in a visually clear way with the aim of raising awareness to their customers.